2-functie wandverborgen douchekraan met RVS douchekop

2 Function Wall Concealled Shower Faucet with Ss Shower Head Featured Image
  • 2 Function Wall Concealled Shower Faucet with Ss Shower Head
  • 2 Function Wall Concealled Shower Faucet with Ss Shower Head
  • 2 Function Wall Concealled Shower Faucet with Ss Shower Head
  • 2 Function Wall Concealled Shower Faucet with Ss Shower Head
  • 2 Function Wall Concealled Shower Faucet with Ss Shower Head
  • 2 Function Wall Concealled Shower Faucet with Ss Shower Head

2-functie wandverborgen douchekraan met RVS douchekop

Korte beschrijving:

Product detail


Basis informatie.

Omgaan met
Zinken handvat
Verberg type wandmontage
BOCHMANN of het merk van de koper:
Functie koud en warm douchewaterkraan
Materiaal messing
Materiaal kern: 35 patronen
Cartridge merk: Sedal, KCG, SCC, Wanhai enz.
Kleur Chroom, Goud, Rose Goud, wit, ORB, Mat Zwart, Brons, Geborsteld Nikkel etc.more kleuren voor optie
Slang 1.5MS/S doucheslang
Installatietype: verborgen wandmontage
Certificaat CE, SASO SABRE
Inpakken Innerlijke kleurdoos met schuimbescherming, standaard export 5-laags karton, kan binnendoos aanpassen;

2 Function Wall Concealled Shower Faucet with Ss Shower Head2 Function Wall Concealled Shower Faucet with Ss Shower Head2 Function Wall Concealled Shower Faucet with Ss Shower Head2 Function Wall Concealled Shower Faucet with Ss Shower Head2 Function Wall Concealled Shower Faucet with Ss Shower Head2 Function Wall Concealled Shower Faucet with Ss Shower Head2 Function Wall Concealled Shower Faucet with Ss Shower Head2 Function Wall Concealled Shower Faucet with Ss Shower Head2 Function Wall Concealled Shower Faucet with Ss Shower Head2 Function Wall Concealled Shower Faucet with Ss Shower Head2 Function Wall Concealled Shower Faucet with Ss Shower Head

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